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Lantern's light

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Nerd Power ]o)

Nerds from all over the world, lets unite to begin a riot to undertake the barely social prestige that the "jocks" still have.

The years have passed and we have better jobs, better clothes, better brains and in some cases, better women (or men). So "why let them live?" I say. I Suggest that whenever a Nerd is beig bullied by some guy (or some girl) in a polo shirt, everyone whose ever knew what D&D is, should join forces and kick that guys/girls ass back to the country club!!

So, if you ever:
-read Wachmen
-played RPG
-got 100% with all the girls on True Love 95
-played MMORPG
-understood binary codes
-played FF6 or Chrono Trigger
-wached Gonnies
-argue about the powers of some super-hero
-watched Kamen Rider or Jaspion
-read or watched EVA
Or even wore glass and was beaten by that!!!

  • Lets start the REVOLUTION!!!!


But first lets roll initiative...


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